Monthly Archives: October 2009

What’s New at San Francisco Joint Meetings Employment Center

Guest post by Diane Boumenot, Manager, Membership and Programs, American Mathematical Society I want to alert the blog readers that much has changed this year about how the Employment Center will operate at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in San Francisco, January 13-16, … Continue reading

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If I Could Do It Over, I’d Make The Same Mistakes All Over Again

Andrew Obus’ post on how to do a job search inspired me to do my own post on how not to do a job search. As most are probably aware, the market was unkind last year, to the point where small schools were getting hundreds of applicants for one-year positions offered in April and May. I was one of the semi-fortunate ones, getting a one year position in late-April; of course, this means that I’ll be back on the market this year. The good news is that this year, I’m armed with all of the information I learned from mistakes that I made or that friends made. Here, I’ve listed some of the bigger ones.

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Career Advice Column at Inside Higher Ed

by Daniel Erman I just discovered that Eszter Hargittai has started a career advice column for academics. It’s called “Ph.Do” and appears at Inside Higher Ed. Here are a couple of quotes lifted from her first column, which should give … Continue reading

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Mentoring Advice

I’ve just begun mentoring a pair of first year graduate students as part of Berkeley’s mentoring program (recently revamped by the student group Unbounded Representation). Thus, I’ve been recently wondering about the following question: What is the most important piece of advice for a first year graduate student in mathematics?

I offer my opinion below the fold. In addition, Adam Boocher, who is a 2nd year graduate student (I’m in my 5th year) will offer his opinion in a companion post on this blog. We’re also curious to hear from anyone else with an opinion on this question (especially those of you that diagree with us!)

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NSF Graduate Fellowship Applications due November 4

Every beginning math graduate student and senior considering math graduate school should apply for an NSF Graduate Fellowship. Applications are due by November 4. Also see the column on Fellowships below.

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