Category Archives: Advice

Creating a Successful Learning Environment

Welcome to graduate school. Here, we will find ourselves immersed in a subject that inspires us. Here, we will become engaged in conversation with masters of the field. Here, we will be mentored into a community to which we will … Continue reading

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How Failing to Meet My Goals Made Me Happier

At the beginning of this semester I set some goals for myself. The previous semester had been stressful, and I wanted to become a better, healthier, happier, more efficient version of myself. My goals included things like “be on campus … Continue reading

Posted in Advice, Grad student life | 2 Comments

Summer’s Here: Time to Organize All Those Papers!

The start of summer is a great time to get organized: perhaps you finally have time to focus on something other than the next problem set, or perhaps you’re too burned out from finals to do anything else productive.  Back … Continue reading

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Hey There, Grad Student, You’re in Good Company – Part 2

By Tai-Danae Bradley Welcome to part 2 of our series where we’re taking a candid peek into the world of mathematical research. Last time we chatted about the often laborious process of doing math which, as we heard from Andrew … Continue reading

Posted in Advice, Grad School, Uncategorized | 6 Comments

Hey There, Grad Student, You’re in Good Company – Part 1

By Tai-Danae Bradley A while ago at my blog Math3ma, I wrote a post in response to a great Slate article reminding us that math – like writing – isn’t something that anyone is good at without (at least a little!) effort. As the article’s … Continue reading

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