Holiday Math

lenny_the_turkey_running_crazy_ty_whtI hope everyone is having a wonderful November—happy holidays, all! I thought it would be fun to share a couple math- and holiday-related links. This month marks a historic overlap between Hanukkah and Thanksgiving, as well as the annual celebration of Fibonacci Day (which took place 11/23 in honor of the first several Fibonacci numbers). Here are some posts I found interesting.

  • Jacob Karamas discusses math, marketing, and “Thanksgivukkah” at The Algemeiner.
  • Dr. Jonathan Mizrahi further explores the math behind the two holidays coinciding at his blog.
  • Vi Hart has a fascinating three-part video series on Fibonacci numbers observed in nature.
  • At Wikipedia, Fibonacci numbers in popular culture.

I hope you enjoy the links, and again, happy holidays!

About Maya Sharma

Maya Sharma is studying for her MS in mathematics at Loyola University Chicago.
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