New Trends in the Workplace

Time Magazine LogoTime Magazine recently had an interesting article enumerating trends that Millennials (people born after 1980) tend to expect in the workplace, thus reshaping certain standards. The article (linked below) is a nice quick read which brings up a lot of good points on what I would personally expect in a work environment, either currently in my classroom or in the future.

One particular point was that Millennials require immediate attention. I definitely find this true in my own life. My favorite teachers always returned graded homework within a week, and I challenge myself to return my student’s work within a class period. Additionally, every semester I ask my students to take quick surveys (either online or on paper) on how effective my teaching is every few weeks. I find this very helpful since my teaching can vary drastically without me realizing it. This always helps my teaching evaluations at the end of the semester (the one that other people read) to be quite good.

The original article can be found at

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