Category Archives: Advice

The Analysis a Beginning Graduate Student Ought to Know

I take this title (with a bit of a modification) from a textbook I used during my first year of my PhD. It was a book by Jonathan Golan entitled The Linear Algebra a Beginning Graduate Student Ought to Know. Now, … Continue reading

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A first step for giving back to the MAA through service

Ever wonder how to get involved in the larger mathematical community? It turns out that there is a nomination procedure for the many, many MAA committees. Consider nominating yourself or others! Nomination Form List of Committees

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My Experience Applying to Graduate Programs

As a high school student, applying to universities seemed nowhere near as daunting as the prospect of applying to graduate programs in mathematics. My naïve thought process was how different could applying to graduate programs possibly be, right? In my … Continue reading

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Top 6 Resumé Tips

The Joint Mathematics Meetings feature many interesting talks and panel discussions. JMM 2014 in Baltimore, Maryland was no exception. One of the panel discussions I attended was “What experiences matter on your resumé?” This panel featured a mix of representatives … Continue reading

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Advice for the Young Scientist – John Baez

John Baez is an American mathematical physicist and a professor of mathematics at the University of California, Riverside (UCR) in Riverside, California. He is known for his work on spin foams in loop quantum gravity.More recently, his research has focused on applications of higher categories to physics and other things. Occasionally, I read some advice from him … Continue reading

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