Sue Geller, a member of the Joint Committee on Employment Opportunity, has started a new blog for the AMS on employment. I think it’s a niche that is sorely in need of filling. Many people, especially in the mathematics community, are not familiar with all the employment possibilities available to people with a high amount of quantitative competence.
As a mathematics degree is not a professional degree in the same way as law or medicine, Mathematics students can be at as much of a loss for what to do after graduation as people who study philosophy or English literature. No offense to these groups of people, but mathematics is vastly more applicable and more in demand than the skills produced by persons in these other fields.
Sometimes with just a little investment in learning how to program or learning the basics of another field, one can make oneself vastly more marketable.
So, visit Sue’s blog, there’s bound to be a lot of interesting information on there.