A Roundup of Posts on Other AMS Blogs (Part 2)

As I mentioned in my Part 1 post, I’ve been seeing a lot of posts on other AMS blogs that have piqued my interest and really got me thinking about a variety of different subjects. As we approach the end of this interesting and oh-so-challenging year, I offer you a roundup of some thought-provoking posts on other AMS blogs.

On A Mathematical Word blog:

Earlier this year, the decision was made to broaden the scope of the BookEnds blog by AMS Consulting Editor, Eriko Hironaka. If you haven’t already read about that decision and would like to, this post by Nicola Poser discusses it.

In “Interacting With Ordinary Differential Equations,” a guest post by Stephen Kennedy (Carleton College), AMS/MAA Press Acquisitions, he writes about “changing content and delivery” methods for ordinary differential equations in the context of the online interactive textbook Interacting with Ordinary Differential Equations by Sandy and Max Saperstone.

On the e-Mentoring Network blog:

“The Mentorship of Our People” by Jennyfer Galvez-Reyes

Galvez-Reyes writes about her concerns with navigating the graduate school application process and the organizations she’s found — such as Cientifico Latino and Women+ of Color Project —that provide mentorship and support. She closes with these words:

“While there is no doubt that the application process is daunting, it can also be a chance to find your people. People who will cheer you on, pick you up when you’re down, and remind you of your worth when imposter syndrome threatens to take over. It’s important to not only have mentors ourselves but also to pass on the knowledge to those coming after us. Like Toni Morrison so perfectly put it, ‘When you get these jobs that you have been so brilliantly trained for, just remember that your real job is that if you are free, you need to free somebody else. If you have some power, then your job is to empower somebody else. This is not just a grab-bag candy game.’ Reach back and help those trailing you. Pass on information you wish you had, resources you needed, job listings you know about. Mentorship and community are integral parts of succeeding in spaces that weren’t designed for people like us. Despite the lack of consideration for us and our experiences, we have an ever growing community willing to help each other into these spaces.”

“On Teaching and Learning Mathematics” blog:

“MATH ON THE BORDER: Working with unaccompanied migrant children in Federal custody”by Mark Saul

Saul wrote about his experience working with children under federal custody with the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), which is now on hold because of COVID-19.

“The children love it. Their eyes light up. They intrigue each other. Language and social barriers tumble. And their minds are active. The work is similar to leaving food and water in the desert for thirsty immigrants. We are not offering them a complete diet or significant sustenance. But we are keeping their minds alive until their situation stabilizes,” he wrote.

Have an idea that you would like for us to cover? Want to share what you’re most excited about for JMM 2021? Reach out in the comments or on Twitter (@writesRCrowell).

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