Tag Archives: Dan Meyer

A tour of Dan Meyer’s blog

While I was recently cruising through the mathematical blogosphere, I landed on a post I enjoyed on Dan Meyer’s dy/dan blog. The post, titled “Stats Teachers: 2019 Is Your Year,” discusses proposed tax rates and using classroom examples to help students become “smarter … Continue reading

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Does This Make Sense?

Some of my favorite questions to ask in class involve drawing up some sort of a mathematical model for my students and asking: does this make sense? Whether matching curves to the heating and cooling laws of my morning coffee, … Continue reading

Posted in Applied Math, Biomath | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

The Pseudocontext 2016 Deserves

2016 has been the year of the lolsob. I have my reasons for feeling that way, and I’m guessing you might too. In that light, I’ve especially started looking forward to Dan Meyer’s “pseudocontext Saturday” posts. In each one, he finds a picture … Continue reading

Posted in K-12 Mathematics, Math Education | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Getting Warmer…

I’m currently teaching a summer school for high school students. Our main focus is number theory and its applications to cryptology, but I like to start each morning with some kind of warm-up math puzzle or game. I know plenty … Continue reading

Posted in K-12 Mathematics, Math Education, Recreational Mathematics | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments