The arXiv, Curated

The arXiv: a mathematician’s favorite preprint server and semiproductive procrastination enabler. Don’t get a morning newspaper? You can enjoy your breakfast over the arXiv submissions for your favorite area of math. Stuck on that lemma? Might as well surf on over and see if you missed any important breakthroughs in your field. The arXiv contains multitudes, and that’s exactly what the website aims to help you with.

Anton Lukyanenko, a mathematician at George Mason University, started arxivist while he was a postdoc at the University of Michigan to help people sort through the flood of arXiv submissions and find papers that might be of interest to them. There can be dozens of arXiv submissions every day in any given sub-area, and a mathematician (/physicist/computer scientist/quantitative biologist/etc.) who browses through a few of them can end up overwhelmed. He says he found himself checking for certain keywords and author names and wondered if the process could be automated. After setting it up for himself, he decided to work on making a public version of the website. “It was fun to do a hands-on project alongside with my much more theoretical research,” he wrote in an email.

To use arxivist, you sign in using your Google account and start rating papers by giving the site’s suggestions thumbs-up or thumbs-down. The more you rate, the better the site’s recommendations will become. If you’d like, you can sign up for a daily email with some suggestions for the day. The site is currently in beta, but it has worked smoothly for me so far.

I’ve had fun rating papers on arxivist and seeing the suggestions respond to my ratings, but my favorite part is probably the “arXiv catch of the day” from the arxivist Facebook page. As the name suggests, it’s a fun paper to peruse every day. If you enjoy commutative mathematical phrases as much as I do, “Quasihyperbolic geodesics are hyperbolic quasi-geodesics” should be right up your alley.

Lukyanenko says there are some improvements to the user interface and algorithms in the works, but right now he’s interested in building the number of users and hearing what features are most appealing to them.

“It’s been really cool seeing the arxivist spread,” says Lukyanenko. “It’s also been exciting (and a bit terrifying) to hear that some of my more senior colleagues are using the system.”

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