Sara Malec, Hood College, Frederick, MD. "I received my PhD from Georgia State University in 2013. After graduation, I was a teaching postdoctoral fellow at the University of the Pacific and a Project NExT fellow. Now I am an assistant professor at Hood College. My research is primarily in combinatorial commutative algebra, but I am also interested in the scholarship of teaching and learning."

Katherine Thompson, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD. “I received my PhD from the University of Georgia in 2014. Before arriving at USNA, I additionally taught at Davidson College, DePaul University, and Carnegie Mellon University. From 2015–2017 I ran along with Jeremy Rouse of Wake Forest number theory REUs. Last, I have been active in the pre-college mathematics scene, working for the Art of Problem Solving, and writing for both Who Wants to be a Mathematician and MATHCOUNTS.”

Past Editor-in-Chief: Adriana Salerno, Bates College, Lewiston, ME, is past editor-in-chief of this blog. Adriana started this blog about being an early-career mathematician in 2011, and after receiving tenure she started the inclusion/exclusion blog. She is originally from Caracas, Venezuela, and received her PhD from the University of Texas at Austin in 2008. Her research interests are number theory and arithmetic geometry and she is also interested in communicating mathematics to the general public. In the summer of 2007, while working on her degree, Adriana was the AMS-AAAS Mass Media Fellow. She worked at Voice of America for ten weeks under the sponsorship of the AMS and filed several stories about mathematics. She earned tenure and is now an associate professor of Mathematics at Bates College. See Adriana Salerno's posts on this blog.