Mathematical Reviews at JMM 2020 in Denver

JMM 2020 Logo and photo of Denver

Mathematical Reviews will be at the JMM in Denver, January 13-18, 2020. The Joint Mathematical Meetings is the largest gathering of mathematicians in the world.  There are lots of great activities:  invited lectures, special sessions, editorial meetings, exhibits, and the chance to connect with old friends. Mathematical Reviews is planning several activities during the meetings.  Most will be at the Mathematical Reviews area of the AMS booth in the exhibit hall.  Everyone is encouraged to stop by the booth for conversation with editors, questions about MathSciNet, questions about reviewing, scheduled and impromptu demos, giveaways, and more.   We will be glad to see you.

Complimentary MathSciNet at the meeting.  Once again, by special arrangement from the AMS, free MathSciNet will be available when using the wi-fi at the conference site and it should be available again in the hotels!  All you have to do is point your browser to and we will take care of the rest!  And you can pair your mobile device (laptop, tablet, phone) with the JMM MathSciNet to have 30 days of free MathSciNet after the Meetings are over.  If you don’t know how to pair a device with a MathSciNet subscription, either look up this old post or stop by the AMS booth for an explanation.

Demos of MathSciNet.  Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of the meeting, at 2:15pm in the Mathematical Reviews area of the AMS booth, there will be demonstrations of how to use MathSciNet.  The demos will be by some of the editors, who know lots of great ways to use MathSciNet.  Fill out the questionnaire and have a chance to win a $100 gift card!  If you can’t come to one of the scheduled demos, stop by the booth any time and we will be happy to give you an impromptu demo.

Update your Author Profile Page.  Representatives will be available at the booth to help you update your author profile page on MathSciNet, including the opportunity to add a photograph or your name in its native script. We will be set up to take a picture, in case you don’t have a favorite photo available.

Mathematical Reviews Reception: Friday, 6:00 pm– 7:00 pm. All friends of the Mathematical Reviews (MathSciNet) are invited to join reviewers and MR editors and staff (past and present) for a special reception in honor of the reviewers, who play a key role in creating the Mathematical Reviews database. Refreshments will be served. The location is the Agate Room on the third floor of the Hyatt.

New stuff!

Current Index to Statistics (CIS).  This remarkable database of the research literature in statistics and related fields is now available from the AMS.  The IMS and ASA decided to stop their work on the CIS, but arranged with the AMS to preserve the database via MathSciNet.  It is freely available from the URL:  Stop by the Mathematical Reviews area of the AMS booth to learn more about the CIS and to get a demonstration of our new search interface for it.

MSC2020.  The editorial work on MSC2020 has been completed by the editors of Mathematical Reviews and zbMATH. An official announcement of the new classification, including information about the major changes, is being published in the March issues of the European Mathematical Society Newsletter and the Notices of the American Mathematical Society. A PDF file of the new scheme is available here.  Stop by the the Mathematical Reviews area of the AMS booth to learn more about the new classification scheme.


About Edward Dunne

I am the Executive Editor of Mathematical Reviews. Previously, I was an editor for the AMS Book Program for 17 years. Before working for the AMS, I had an academic career working at Rice University, Oxford University, and Oklahoma State University. In 1990-91, I worked for Springer-Verlag in Heidelberg. My Ph.D. is from Harvard. I received a world-class liberal arts education as an undergraduate at Santa Clara University.
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