Mathematical Reviews at the JMM in San Diego

Logo for the 2018 JMM in San DiegoMathematical Reviews will be at the JMM in San Diego.  There is always a lot going on at the meetings:  invited lectures, special sessions, editorial meetings, exhibits, and the chance to connect with old friends.  Mathematical Reviews is planning several activities during the meetings.  Most will be at the Mathematical Reviews area of the AMS booth in the exhibit hall: Hall B, San Diego Convention Center.  Everyone is encouraged to stop by the booth for conversation with editors, questions about MathSciNet, questions about reviewing, impromptu demos, giveaways, and more.   We will be glad to see you.

Complimentary MathSciNet at the meeting.  By special arrangement, MathSciNet will be available when using the wifi at the conference site.  This year, access to MathSciNet should also be available in the hotels!

Demos of MathSciNet.  Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of the meeting, at 2:15pm at the Mathematical Reviews area of the AMS booth, there will be demonstrations of how to use MathSciNet.  The demos will be by experts, who know lots of great ways to use MathSciNet.  Fill out the questionnaire and have a chance to win a $100 gift card!

Update your Author Profile Page.  Representatives will be available at the booth to help you update your author profile page on MathSciNet, including the opportunity to add a photograph or your name in its native script.  If you are an AMS member and have signed up for the professional photograph service at the JMM, we can use that picture.  We will also be set up to take a picture, in case you don’t have a favorite photo available.

Working at Mathematical Reviews.  If you are interested in possibly working at Mathematical Reviews as an Associate Editor, the JMM would provide a good opportunity to find out more about what we do.  We are looking for someone with expertise in algebra and an interest in a range of algebraic topics. My earlier post explains the open position.  Stop by the booth to talk with us!

Mathematical Reviews Reception: Friday, 6:00 pm– 7:00 pm. All friends of the Mathematical Reviews (MathSciNet) are invited to join reviewers and MR editors and staff (past and present) for a special reception in honor of all of the efforts that go into the creation and publication of the Mathematical Reviews database. Refreshments will be served. The location is the Presidio Room in the Marriott.

About Edward Dunne

I am the Executive Editor of Mathematical Reviews. Previously, I was an editor for the AMS Book Program for 17 years. Before working for the AMS, I had an academic career working at Rice University, Oxford University, and Oklahoma State University. In 1990-91, I worked for Springer-Verlag in Heidelberg. My Ph.D. is from Harvard. I received a world-class liberal arts education as an undergraduate at Santa Clara University.
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