Books: Hard Copy or E-?

How important are e-books for math?  I always start a blog with one question, and end up asking many more.

People according to their personality, their intentions, limitations and environments read differently.   Even when there were only hard copy books, I remember noting the different ways my fellow math graduate students read math books.  Some had a habit of reaching for a math book for bedtime reading.  To me, truly reading meant sitting at a desk or table, notebook and pen in hand, scribbling and drawing as I read. Others I knew sat perfectly still while reading, hardly moving a muscle for hours.  Some read while listening to music, and one person I knew even played piano while reading.

By now, most avid readers (particularly of non-technical books) are familiar with kindles and other e-readers. They are about the same size and weight of a paperback; you can turn pages with roughly the same movement; you can resize fonts, look up words you don’t know with an easy click;  many have their own light source; and most of all there is no weight difference between the data of one book and that of hundreds or thousands of them.   These qualities alone attract even diehard proponents of paper books, especially those who are frequent travelers.

But the popularity and availability of e-books and e-readers for mathematics lags behind.  What more can and should E-books offer, particularly in math?   Are we taking enough advantage of current technological capabilities?  Is there a need to specifically treat the particular nature of mathematics exposition?  Should we have moving graphics, and built-in software that help illustrate the material, perhaps with interactive feature?  What about making it possible for classes and reading groups to share comments online while reading a text?

Books are a medium for packaging and communicating ideas.  Assuming that there will always be a need to record and deliver mathematical ideas using some sort of print medium, do you think math e-books are here to stay, if so in what form, and how will they affect teaching, research and individual reading habits in the years to come?

Moving Things Around by Kerins, Young, Cuoco, Stevens, and Pilgrim.sstp-5-cov

Increasingly I see books that make me wonder…what would this look like if…?  One example is a new series of books produced by the Park City Summer Program  for secondary school teachers.   These sequenced collections of problems are carefully chosen to progress future teachers toward a deeper understanding of a subject through exploration, discussion and active learning: in this particular case the topic is permutations, symmetries and numbers.  Users of the book are encouraged to experiment with computer software and to work in teams.  Could electronic media help to implement the goals of these books on a wider scale, connecting people who are unable to attend sessions like the one at Park City?


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Books that have left their mark

Below are the noteworthy books suggested in comments to my last post:  “Books with Longevity”.  (I could not find good photos of Grothendieck’s EGA and SGA, published by publications IHES)   Thanks for sharing them!

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The intention of any worthy math book is to communicate a collective understanding of a subject by experts to potential future practitioners, but is it just me, or is there sometimes something more personal that happens between author and reader?  Some books seem to “talk” to you.  They can make you smile for the beauty that they reveal (examples for me are David Mumford’s Lectures on Curves on an Algebraic Surface, or Emil Artin’s Galois Theory), or they can egg you on with challenging problems leading you to deeper understanding (Attiyah and MacDonald’s Introduction to Commutative Algebra comes to mind).

On a more pragmatic level, as one comment pointed out,  it is also important for books to be useful for teaching.  That will be a topic for a future post.

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Math books with longevity

What gives a math book (textbook or otherwise) longevity?   Is there more to a book than just a record of current knowledge, or an aid and reference for a class? Some books continue to be read and reread, and used over and over from one generation to another defying loss of novelty and fashion. What makes a math book great? Is it the subject matter, the presentation, the author’s personal touch or something else that keeps a book relevant over generations?

The answers to these questions may be  personal.  They could be tied up with memories of a favorite spot in the library; the music that was playing as you worked; or the people who were around you. Or perhaps there are universal qualities that make a book great.  Style, elegance, care, quirkiness, beauty, originality…what resonates most with you?

One book that continues to be relevant despite the passage of time is Knots and Links by Dale Rolfsen (AMS Chelsea Series), an introduction to knot theory and low-dimensional topology that was first published in 1976 (Publish or Perish press).   One reason for its lasting significance is that   `Rolfsen’s knot and link table’ is still commonly used to quickly identify knots and links with low crossing numbers.   But what really distinguishes the book, especially for its time, is that it facilitates (in a very effective way) active learning by emphasizing well-chosen hand-drawn illustrations and exercises over long explanations and proofs.


What book was a game-changer for you as a student?  What made/makes it special? Are there any out of print math books you would like to see republished?  Please enter your comments, and mention your favorite book!

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Why Books?

The purpose of this blog is to start a conversation about math books.   What makes a math book useful, important, timely, a pleasure to read?  How do books influence and shape mathematics? How does/should evolving technology change how we access books and use them in teaching and research?   When (if ever) is the right time in a mathematician’s career to write a book?

When I first thought about working at the AMS book program a little less than two years ago, I asked myself: why books? The usual thoughts ran through my mind. Who has the time to write them or even read them these days? The returns for the incredible time and effort required to complete a polished book don’t seem worth it for the active mathematician who is proving new theorems in the precious times between organizing or speaking at seminars and conferences, attending or chairing department meetings, and of course teaching. Students and researchers can get up-to-date information quickly and easily through web searches, and pdf files posted online, making books seem superfluous. Mathematical output in the form of new research articles published count for more to university administrators than do books authored.

Yet my doubts about the value of books quickly dissipate as soon as I am in a room surrounded by them. One cannot help but be impressed by the wealth of knowledge and endeavor contained in a well-written and well-edited book.  Books contain glimpses into the mind and thought processes of the mathematicians we admire and the beautiful mathematics that they bring to light.  I am reminded of what an important role textbooks play in drawing one in and opening one’s eyes to new worlds and language, teaching through thoughtful presentations and familiarizing through well-chosen examples and exercises. Research monographs are another form that appeal to me because they have the space, which journal articles don’t, for setting the stage for its subject. The voice of the writer can lead one through a mathematical journey through a rich landscape of ideas.

The worth of a mathematician’s career is often measured in the short-term by the theorems they were the first to prove, and the number of papers they publish in the best journals, but the long-term importance of a career may also be measured by the influence the mathematician had over the development of their field. This includes inviting students into the subject, giving the subject a clear place within larger movements in mathematics, and giving others glimpses into the future and the inspiration to carry the work forward. Books are convenient vehicles for this purpose: filling the gap when personal contact with the leaders of mathematics is not available, or supplementing when it is. In this way, books have the potential to resonate in unpredictable corners of the world long after they are written.

What do you value in books?   What role do they play in your research and teaching?  I invite you, the reader, to share your answers by commenting on this blog.  Suggestions for topics and contributed posts are also welcome.

Polynomial Methods in Combinatorics, by Larry Guth

ulect-64-covThis book reaches across disciplines, is accessible, and the ideas are the kind that one likes to have in one’s problem solving arsenal (read more about this book).

How to use this blog:

Comments and Suggested Topics: Please send comments and blog topic ideas using the comment entry form below.

Featured books: There will be a section at the end of each blog featuring a book (does not have to be an AMS book).  Your suggestions are very welcome!  Please include a short explanation of why you think the book is special, and epitomizes what math books are good for.

AMS Blog Policy:  This blog will not include discussion of publishing practices, book or journal prices, or other matters of business or administration.   Comments will be vetted accordingly.

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